‘A real bull is vegetarian’ Illustration 2008
To counter why many men think eating meat is healthy and necessary for strength and energy. In Spain for example, the bull is the ultimate macho- but he is vegetarian.
The ‘Make girls not war’ protest sign comes from the fact that there are still much more boys than girls in China and India.
‘Love Letters’, composition of a mix of love letters, red paint and paper glue, modelled on a red canvas with gilt frame 1999
I moved house regularly and with each move I was confronted with a box of love letters that I could no longer do anything with. Past relationships and love, I could still feel them when going through the letters. I needed to put it behind me and so I came up with the idea of turning it into this work, a red heart of love letters in a gilded frame. The work represents the love I once felt.
Maria loves Mohammed loves Maria protest sign 2009
This protest sign is based on the story of a young couple, a Muslim boy and a Christian girl who tried to escape from Sarajevo during the Bosnian war. They were shot dead in the hills and lay there, hand-in-hand, for several weeks, in the eyes of the media. No one could retrieve their bodies because of snipers. In Sarajevo, 3 religions have lived peacefully together for over 500 years until the Bosnian war broke out in 1992.
Eenoog exhibition ‘I have no more to share’ installation 2009
50 crucifixes ‘Everything is holy’ mixed media 2009
Exibited as a protest sign in 2009 but also a page from my book ‘I was happy when I wrote this’
Boekenweek exhibition 2020
Compilation of protest signs print 340x175 cm
Eenoog exhibition protest sign ‘True believing’ 2009
Boekenweek exhibition 2020
Compilation of protest signs print 340x175 cm
‘I have no more to give’ Photo/mixed media as exhibited in 2009
Photoprint/bread/mixed media
Boekenweek exhibition 2020
Theme based upon 'Rebels and different thinkers' 2020 mixed media/prints 1000x175 cm
A page from my book ‘I was happy when I wrote this’ 2023
‘Me, last trophy’ sculpture
Dates from 1986, when I felt like a hunted species when riding my motorcycle
Voodha sculpture Eenoog exhibition 2009
A 'Voodha', based on voodoo objects from Indonesia and Africa
Mixed media 83x115 cm
Take Part Exhibition Dordrecht museum 2018
Printed and cut out as a display 280x135 cm mixed media
‘Croco boot’ 2003
The original mould was a Mexican crocodile leather boot that I wore for a few years from the age of 18. The modified boot expresses how I felt at the time.
Eenoog exhibition protest signs 2009 Haringstraat 2009
‘I’m not the way’ Eenoog exhibition sculpture mixed media 2009
‘Everything is holy’ installation 50 crucifixes mixed media 2009
Protest signs in Eenoog exhibition Haringstraat Dordrecht 2009
Prints on PVC foam mixed media 2009
Monsanto sign 2020
I disagree with Monsanto's policy and strategy of monopolising agriculture and species through gene manipulation. It is dangerous, unethical and the motivation is based on making profit.
Protest sign 2009
This text is also a page in my book 'I was happy when I wrote this' 2017
Protest sign No fear no evil 2009
Eenoog exhibition Logo design 2009
Eenoog means 'Eerste en Enige Openbare Openlucht Galerie' but also one-eye 'een-oog'.
Entrance Eenoog exhibition space installation 2009
Boekenweek exhibition 2020
Compilation of protest signs print 340x175 cm