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- Graphic design
- Logo's
- Photography
- Art

Praying mantis Spain 2011

Jan and flower at his former family home 2020

Andy 2 weeks before his death June 2000

Spain Feria Fuengirola 2010

Front view design/illustration Amfi-terrace

Lizard caught by hand Bonaire 2009

Dead butterfly 2017

Book design ‘In liefde gedacht’ book with poems by me 2018

Iventors house style, the name and logo ‘Iventors’ and its pay-off was coined by me 2018

Friends with a full moon in the background Mijas 2008

Protest sign 2009

Big Rivers goes classic poster 2015

Dikk Logo & house style design 2008

Fuengirola Spain Kebap- Feria 2012

Mountain of apartment buildings Napels Italy 2014

Jan with cigarette and cheese Dordrecht 2002

Estilo Business card- Adobe illustrator illustration 1995

Morten Norway 2014

Parked car Odessa 2017

Panorama St Petersburg 2011

Bax Showroom children’s corner design detail

Dordt in Cello abri poster 2019

‘Everything is holy’ installation 50 crucifixes mixed media 2009

Quadro Vision Logo & house style design 2008

‘I have no more to give’ Photo/mixed media as exhibited in 2009
Photoprint/bread/mixed media

Het Oude Arsenaal Menu card photoshop composition/illustration 2005

iventors logo & pay-off design 2016

‘I was happy when I wrote this’ cover book 2017

Woman in a village run by women, hiding behind the shawl she woven herself Flores Indonesia 2011

Big Rivers Poster 2009

Comicstore Sjors Photoshop composition/illustration 2009
Print 600x120 cm

Norway Charlotte and Heleen 2014

Sinclair Meeting Illustration/layout 2011

Amersfoort Grandmother Tonnie at 95, in her house 2004

Venice Curly dog lace dress 2013

Curved branche 2016

Skyline of the old harbour Rotterdam 2021

Dappen Menu card photoshop composition/illustration 2007

Lucky shot by accident 2014

Kaz Lux at Big Rivers 2001
This photo he used for the cover of his CD album 'Dismantled Swan Song' 2003

Still life on the kitchen countertop 2021

Gang shop st Petersburg (RU) Photoshop composition/illustration 2013
Mural print 650x320 cm

Protest sign 2009

Big Rivers Blues Cruise poster 2008

Trunk tree 2006

‘A real bull is vegetarian’ Illustration 2008
To counter why many men think eating meat is healthy and necessary for strength and energy. In Spain for example, the bull is the ultimate macho- but he is vegetarian.

Smoking with a cat Norway 2014

Protest sign 2009

Book with columns by Jan Lokhorst, photos by me 2019

Laundry at night Venice 2011

Dordt in Cello poster 2023

Robert & his daughter Kate in Dordrecht 2010

‘I’m not the way’ Eenoog exhibition sculpture mixed media 2009

Goudriaan Logo & house style design 2010

Express yourself Malaga 2016

Charlotte 2015

Protest sign 2009

Great colourful interior shot- I like it a lot Portugal 2011

Chateau Frandeux
Drawing 'Amfi-terrace' and 'Pontium'. A terrace at the chateau Frandeux lake, designed and build as a podium with a floating stage, a 'pontium', designed and build in 2017

Venice Big black and white smile

Book page ‘I was happy when I wrote this’ 2017/2023

Photoshop composition/illustration Baron Breda 2011
Mural print 750x250 cm print

Dead tree- Washington Slagbaai park Bonaire 2011

Restaurant Crispim Fuseta Portugal 2014

‘I love you’ part of a work of 2- Exhibited 2009
140x200 cm

Scene from a performance of alternative electronic music by Rob Hordijk in ‘The Villa’ Den Haag 2010

Bleached tropical clothing a little overexposed Bonaire 2008

Carsten Kobs guitar illustration 2023

At the studio- Laser Photo and photoshop illustration ‘superlight exhaust’ 1998

Laser Photoshop illustration Arno Jansen 2000

Tram in Lisboa 2003

Holster logo Design 2009 (logo has not been used)

Breda Mistbosch- light as in an golden age Dutch painting 2012

The smallest comic book in the world 2000
The Minimum bug was the smallest comic book in the world, it was given an official Guiness World Record in 2000. Initiated, designed and produced, by me, published by Comicstore Sjors.Illustrated by Martin Lodewijk. Only 2.000 copies were printed,they all sold.

Gang shop St Petersburg (RU) Photoshop composition/illustration 2013
100x280 cm

Beach scene at lake Ossiach Austria 2017

Beautiful and colorful Croatia in the twilight 2014

Aida Antwerp 2003

Plastic woman found on the street 2016

Round building Andalucia 2019

Summertime 2013

3Design logo as I used from 1989 until aprox 1996

Poem 2012

Big Rivers poster 2001
The first in 2001

Big Rivers poster 2019
Starring Mignon Nusteling and her sister

Captain Roger Retting in the wheelhouse of his battered Russian tug/icebreaker Jolly Dordrecht 2001

Entrance Eenoog exhibition space installation 2009

Dordrecht Miriam As made up and photographed for the Big Rivers poster 2014

Big Russian ratbike at Willem’s café Portugal 2011

Pink full moon, white horses and anchors in Zoutkamp 19 April 2019

Cover design of a novel by Arend van Campen

Dordt in Cello Poster Canto Ostinato 2017

Comic festival poster 2000

Poster K’BENG poster 2019

Protest sign 2009

Protest sign 2009
This text is also a page in my book 'I was happy when I wrote this' 2017

Street in golden light in Novi Vinodolski-Croatia 2014

Boekenweek exhibition 2020
Compilation of protest signs print 340x175 cm